Trinamic Motion Control

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TRINAMIC Motion Control develops the world's most sophisticated technology for motion and motor control applications. Our state-of-the-art ICs, modules, and mechatronic systems enable today's software engineers to quickly and reliably develop highly precise drives that work efficiently, smoothly, and quietly. Trinamic is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany with subsidiaries in Tallinn, Estonia, and Chicago, IL, USA.

Why Trinamic?

Why do the most forward-thinking companies on the planet repeatedly choose Trinamic?

Of course, some choose us strictly for the superior products and sophisticated features we provide.

The majority of our customers, however, selects Trinamic because of our singular focus on motion control. Our deep expertise and experience in connecting the physical and digital worlds together provides customers direct access to the type of application knowledge that takes decades to achieve. Trinamic embodies this expertise in every single product, enabling our customers to focus on what they do best and innovate faster in their core business.


Decades of Experience Embodied in Dependable Building Blocks.

Trinamic's experts at work. Trinamic is the global leader in embedded motor and motion control. Our brand has become synonymous with precision, reliability, and efficiency.

By approaching power-electronics design as building blocks - a microcontroller that accepts digital processing, a driver transforming digital signals into electrical power, and a driver that consists of the gate driver and power switches - we've simplified the development process, increasing both the reliability and quality of the results.

Embodying decades of engineering experience in each of our products, our ICs and microsystems connect the digital and physical worlds together.


API-Based Approach Reduces Time-To-Market

The trend towards automating all aspects of the human environment has resulted in an explosion in the deployment of controlled motion systems. Small motors have become ubiquitous. Product developers must deal with increasingly complex systems and can no longer be experts in all aspects of the underlying technology.

Trinamic addresses this issue through an API-based approach that reduces time-to-market, saves money and ultimately delivers better products with superior performance.

The software API is part of the Technology Access Package (TTAP), a comprehensive collection of technical support information and tools for TRINAMIC’s chip and module solutions.

Electric Motors are Ubiquitous

“Electric motors are such an essential part of everyday life that consumption of these devices has continued to rise in recent years. The growing expanse of the middle class, coupled with increases in household automation and the number of electric motor-driven products around the home, are major drivers of growth.”

Bryan Turnbough, analyst with IHS.

Dependable and Precise

Trinamic is an established player with a range of products serving multiple markets. Our products are designed for laboratory and factory automation, semiconductor manufacturing, textiles, robotics, ATMs and vending machines, among others. Wherever reliable positioning is required, Trinamic is your first choice.

Our latest products set the performance standard for high-growth, emerging markets like 3D printing, medical pumps and liquid handling.


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